How do I cancel a booking?

Modified on Thu, 9 May at 4:31 PM

Things to consider before cancelling a booking

  • It may affect your overall listing:
    When hosts cancel a booking, this often has an impact on your property listing ranking on a booking channel's website. This could also result in some booking websites temporarily suspending your listing for a short period. 
  • If you take bookings outside of Travelnest:
    it is your responsibility to ensure your calendar is kept up to date. You should synchronise your calendar to existing listings or manually block unavailable dates. If you are unsure how to do this, please see our guide here.
  • Impact on the guest:
    We always recommend trying to avoid cancelling a booking, due to the impact this could have on your guest. Not only this, it could lead to the guest raising a complaint with the channel and bad reviews being left for your listing. Where a cancellation cannot be avoided, we'd always recommend trying to arrange an alternative with the guest.

Cancellation fees

  • Booking websites fees:
    Please note that each booking website has its own policies regarding cancelling bookings and its own fees, which you agreed to when you joined Travelnest. These fees are outwith the control of Travelnest and where the booking website applies fees they'll be passed to you. If you would like to find out more about the possible fees, please contact us further to discuss.

  • Travelnest fees:
    If you request us to cancel a booking Travelnest reserve the right to charge an administration fee of £50(plus VAT where applicable) per cancelled booking, as set out in our Terms and Conditions.

  • How fees are applied:
    If fees are incurred, these will be offset against any future bookings - where this does not apply you will receive an invoice.


How to cancel a booking

  • Request a cancellation:

    To request a booking cancellation, this can be done from your Travelnest account. 

    Please log into your account, and select the "bookings" section. 

    Select the "request a cancellation" button and complete the form

  • Support with cancelling a booking:
    if you have any questions before cancelling a booking, you can contact our designated host support team. For more information on how to contact them, select here. 

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